Monday, January 30, 2017

Week of 1.30.17 Still images

The Cabinet Filer

Basement window
Gazing to the skies of gray
Glistening papers
Golden pens
cannot phase this prison den

Swimming in the Closet ***

Parting the sea of blues
Doing laps around the metal hangers
the turquoise blouse
slips over my hand
The jagged crash of morning 

Book Picking

Cover to cover
Glaze over
Like donuts roasting
in the fire
Felt, flipped, tossed around
Until a delicacy is found

Trophy Wife

Shiny cookie sheets
Rampant heartbeat
A Twitching smile at the smell-
of soft sweets
Baked too well

Boredom's Elevator 

White painted room
Stripped wall paper
Open windows
A nearby tree
Hand and foot need to be free

Hand in Hand

Slippery boots
Slippery sighs
The tears of loneliness have dived-

Your outstretched hand
My tears smash into
Mixed in with the rain's cortege

You see my heart in one tear
Entwined with the cry of heaven
Honing the brevity of life

Grass that breathes for another
Our outspoken tears are
Cradled in the foreigner's land

Farmer Stubborn

He casted the plow
into the Earth.
Seagull's squawk,
Barefoot in dirt.
Raw, sweaty hands
He pushes forth
Padded green gloves squat by the house
His tilted glance, averted eyes
At the wife's garden advice 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week of 1.24.17 First poem

Houghton's Still Emblem ***
Pride rock.
Clothed in paint of purple and gold.
A fortress divided,
A symbol of battles fought on fields of grass.

Stamped with gray lettering.
Dents and dimples coat its layer.
Impressions on the cold surface that begin to fade.
Scuffs left from commoners that have pranced on it in victory.

Immovable, still, a robust character.
A specimen that sees generations create dreams and failures of themselves.
Astutely, dutifully sitting as the representative of the soil.
Slowly sinking into the soul of the well-known foundation.