Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week of 3.28.17 Ekphratic poem

Around the Round Table ***
From Hannah Banks: "For the Beauty of the Earth" pottery

A feast of broiled chicken
legs with parmesan and deviled
eggs. I'd pocketed some parsley
for the buttery asparagus.

And twisted the table with fondue.
Chocolate strawberries, delicacies.
Hot cider steeped and cranberry
juice -But-each mug oneself brings.

Poppyseed dressing perfectly poured.
Carmel scones and lime pudding,
melons, mangoes, mouthwatering.
Finally, the doorbell rings.

The bronze, embedded mug of fall
October's ease of embrace
and a whiff of that earthy parlor
his fiery eyes delighted at the sight.

My darling April knocks it next
The luscious green of her mug
is filled with May's new daffodils.
A pearly, tender hearted soul.

The blue beauty July, my sister month
Then September with her
glowing auburn hair
August slightly cranky, March a tad late.

And November sweeps in at last
Twirling her smoothed and golden mug
February, January and December never show
We blame it on their ever frightful snow

And down we sit to eat
The year of tabled treats
Chipped, smoothed, dripping and colored
Are the mugs around our seasoned table

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